Flint - A creative community app empowering people to share their work and receive constructive feedback.

Project Details


Product Designer


1 Designer


Interaction Design
Visual Design
Design Systems
User Research


6 weeks

⟢ Project Overview

Flint is a creative community app designed to inspire individuals to think outside of their own bias and share their work to a community of creatives, receive constructive feedback, and build connections. Artists, designers, and creators across disciplines can share their work at any stage of the process to improve their project without the pressure of perfection.

Flint is a creative community app designed to inspire individuals to think outside of their own bias and share their work to a community of creatives, receive constructive feedback, and build connections. Artists, designers, and creators across disciplines can share their work at any stage of the process to improve their project without the pressure of perfection.



How might we make sharing work and receiving constructive feedback more accessible and enriching for creatives, while eliminating frustrations and enhancing their creative process?

⟢ Problem

In the creative space, many existing platforms prioritize the end product, often adding unnecessary stress to people when it comes to sharing their work for refinement purposes.

On a global scale, creatives seek feedback on their work for growth and professional development. People are finding it increasingly difficult to receive timely, constructive criticism, especially on platforms where the posting, approval, and moderation processes are lengthy and inconsistent. This has led to frustration, inefficiency, and workflow disruption.

Picture this: You’re a designer at the midpoint of a client project. Wanting to get unbiased feedback on your work, you turn to Reddit. After 4+ hours, you discover that your post has been deleted by the community for unknown reasons. Now what?

⟢ Problem Validation

Why do we need this? Because the feedback loop for creatives is broken.

The current process of sharing work and receiving feedback is fragmented across multiple platforms, each with its own set of rules, approval systems, and moderation processes. This inconsistency creates barriers for creatives who need timely, actionable feedback to refine their work.

⟢ Design Solution

To address this gap, Flint was created. A centralized, reliable platform dedicated solely to providing a space where creatives can share their work at any stage and receive timely, constructive feedback.

After conducting ideation session, I evaluated various design concepts and chose to focus on a mobile app community platform designed to streamline the feedback process for creatives.

5 Key Features

User Profiles

showcase projects you needed feedback on and connect with others.

Discussion Forum

Engage in conversations to help each other out.

Tagging & Categorization

Easily find and organize feedback by project type or creative discipline.

Notification System

Stay updated on feedback and discussions.

Interactive Critique

Receive in-depth feedback through interactive tools such as annotation capabilities.

⟢ Information Architecture

⟢ Wireframes

⟢ User Flows

Quick App Overview

Posting a Comment

Sharing Your Work

⟢ Visual Design

Flint was one of the primary materials used for making tools during the Stone Age

Just like its namesake, Flint is a tool for the modern creative, designed to inspire and elevate their work through collaboration and feedback.

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